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On July 21st, the Sustainability Division will host its third webinar in its Sustainability Brown Bag Lunch series. County employees are invited to join and learn more about ways to have a sustainable lifestyle with programs the County has to offer.

July’s Brown Bag will feature Energy Analyst, Javier Saucedo. Saucedo will talk about home weatherization and heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Attendees will learn how to keep their homes cool from the summer heat, how to protect themselves from hazards like wildfire smoke, and about 3C-REN’s DIY Home Energy Toolkit.

In past webinars, the Sustainability Brown Bag Lunch series highlighted building efficiency programs to make the switch to all-electric easier, commuter benefits offered to County employees, and an overview of the Sustainability Division. Future presentations will touch on topics of conserving water, reducing waste usage, and benefits available for purchasing an electric vehicle.

Visit the Employees Sustainability Hub website to view past recordings and sign up for this future events on.

Have questions? Contact Mireille Vargas at with any questions.

Javier Saucedo

Energy Analyst

Javier is a HERS Rater (Home Energy Rating System Rater) an individual who is certified by an accredited Rating Provider to inspect and test a home to evaluate each of the minimum rated features and complete a Home Energy Rating according to Title 24 Standards. Javier has been certified by (BPI) Building Performance Institute to evaluate the energy efficiency, health, safety of a home, produce an audit report, and develop a prioritized scope of work for customer. He has been coordinating the County’s Green Business Program and certifying business within the county areas, as well as providing support to the Sustainability office programs. He is a General Contractor with the state of California and joined VCREA in 2011.

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