Annual Sustainability Reports
The Annual Sustainability Snapshot features highlights of sustainability-related actions, programs, projects, and accomplishments each year by the Sustainability Division.
2023 Annual Sustainability Snapshot
2022 Annual Sustainability Snapshot (PDF)
2021 Annual Sustainability Report (PDF)
The 2021 Annual Sustainability Report features highlights of sustainability-related actions, programs, and projects from County of Ventura agencies in 2021. In addition to the work of County Executive Office’s Sustainability Division, other contributors included Agricultural Commissioner’s Office, General Services Agency, Harbor Department, Human Services Agency, Public Works Agency, and Resource Management Agency.
County Plans and Publications
The County of Ventura’s Climate Action Plan is woven throughout the County’s 2040 General Plan and is available online at Sections of the 2040 General Plan with details related to the CAP can be found at:
- Ventura County 2040 General Plan, Various Elements for all policies and program depicted with a “CAP” icon;
- Ventura County 2040 General Plan, Chapter 1. Introduction
- Ventura County 2040 General Plan, Appendix B. Climate Change
- Draft EIR for the 2040 General Plan, Appendix D. GHG Calculations
- Draft EIR for the 2040 General Plan, Appendix F. Vehicle Miles Traveled Estimation
- Final EIR for the 2040 General Plan, Appendix D. Revised Draft EIR Appendix D GHG Calculations
Ventura County Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Blueprint (2019) (PDF)
The Ventura County EV Ready Blueprint is intended to accelerate and support electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment throughout Ventura County. The Blueprint framework and associated Electric Vehicle Accelerator Plans for the City of Ventura, City of Oxnard, and Port of Hueneme are intended to spur rapid adoption of electric vehicles in the region and to make electric vehicles and other clean mobility options fully accessible to everyone in our communities. The Blueprint’s comprehensive recommendations are intended to help local policymakers, community, and business stakeholders take bold action to further accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and expand access to charging infrastructure.
Additional resources available from Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance at
The Ventura County Climate Emergency Council (VCCEC) is a citizen advisory body that advises the Ventura County Board of Supervisors on climate action planning and implementation of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) goals, policies, and programs. Visit the Ventura County Climate Emergency Council’s resource library.
Budget and Staffing Plans for Climate Action Plan Implementation
FY2024-25 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)
June 17, 2024, County Executive Office staff presented the FY2024-25 Budget and Staffing Plan for Climate Action Plan Implementation to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors as part of the annual budgeting process. The report is created in collaboration with all agencies that have CAP-related implementation programs assigned to them in the County of Ventura’s 2040 General Plan. The report focuses on the anticipated costs, labor, and resource needs for FY2024-25. The report is intended to inform the County’s Board of Supervisors on anticipated needs for allocating resources to departments responsible for CAP-related program implementation.
FY2023-24 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)
June 6, 2023, County Executive Office staff presented the FY2023-24 Budget and Staffing Plan for Climate Action Plan Implementation to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors as part of the annual budgeting process. The report is created in collaboration with all agencies that have CAP-related implementation programs assigned to them in the County of Ventura’s 2040 General Plan. The report focuses on the anticipated costs, labor, and resource needs for FY2023-24. The report is intended to inform the County’s Board of Supervisors on anticipated needs for allocating resources to departments responsible for CAP-related program implementation.
FY2022-23 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)
June 7, 2022, County Executive Office staff presented the FY2022-23 Budget and Staffing Plan for Climate Action Plan Implementation to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors as part of the annual budgeting process. The report is created in collaboration with all agencies that have CAP-related implementation programs assigned to them in the County of Ventura’s 2040 General Plan. The report focuses on the anticipated costs, labor, and resource needs for FY2022-23. The report is intended to inform the County’s Board of Supervisors on anticipated needs for allocating resources to departments responsible for CAP-related program implementation.
FY2021-22 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)
November 2021, County Executive Office staff presented the FY2021-22 Budget and Staffing Plan for Climate Action Plan Implementation to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. The report was created in collaboration with all agencies that have CAP-related implementation programs assigned to them in the County of Ventura’s 2040 General Plan. The report focuses on the anticipated costs, labor, and resource needs for FY2021-22. This report is intended to inform the County’s Board of Supervisors on anticipated needs for allocating resources to departments responsible for CAP-related program implementation.
Sustainability Newsletters
The Sustainability Division issues a quarterly newsletter with the latest news, events, and resources that the Division is involved in.
Issue 15 (October 2024)
Issue 14 (July 2024)
Issue 13 (February 2024)
Issue 12 (October 2023)
Issue 11 (July 2023)
Issue 10 (March 2023)
Issue 9 (January 2023)
Issue 8 (October 2022)
Issue 7 (July 2022)
Issue 6 (April 2022)
Issue 5 (October 2021)
Issue 4 (July 2021)
Issue 3 (April 2021)
Issue 2 (February 2021)
Issue 1 (September 2020)
Issue 15 (October 2024)
Issue 14 (July 2024)
Issue 13 (February 2024)
Issue 12 (October 2023)
Issue 11 (July 2023)
Issue 10 (March 2023)
Issue 9 (January 2023)
Issue 8 (October 2022)
Issue 7 (July 2022)
Issue 6 (April 2022)
Issue 5 (October 2021)
Issue 4 (July 2021)
Issue 3 (April 2021)
Issue 2 (February 2021)
Issue 1 (September 2020)