Transportation and Electric Vehicles
Transportation and Electric Vehicles
Ventura County Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Blueprint
The Ventura County EV Ready Blueprint is intended to accelerate and support electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment throughout Ventura County. The Blueprint framework and associated Electric Vehicle Accelerator Plans for the City of Ventura, City of Oxnard, and the Port of Hueneme are intended to spur rapid adoption of electric vehicles in the region and to make electric vehicles and other clean mobility options fully accessible to everyone in our communities. The Blueprint’s comprehensive recommendations are intended to help local policymakers, community, and business stakeholders take bold action to further accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and expand access to charging infrastructure.
Electric Drive 805
Electric Drive 805 is a coalition dedicated to achieving rapid, equitable transition to plug-in electric vehicles. The coalition leads local action to increase access to today’s cleaner, more efficient electric vehicles with the goal of reducing emission from the largest source of pollution in the 805 region: cars and trucks on our roads.
Get information and access to recourse for drivers, workplaces, property managers, or local governments from Electric Drive 805.