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Climate Action Plan Implementation & Reporting

In 2020, the Ventura County 2040 General Plan was adopted by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors and established a community Climate Action Plan (CAP) with the intended goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions  and mitigate climate change impacts. The purpose of the CAP is to identify and reduce community GHG emissions from existing and future activities and sources within the unincorporated areas of Ventura County. The CAP is consistent with the County’s commitment to address climate change and work towards a more sustainable community by reducing GHG emissions. 

This webpage includes the Ventura County 2040 General Plan-including the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP)-and the Program Environmental Impact Report for the Ventura County 2040 General Plan which contains the 2015 baseline emissions inventory for the portion of the general plan that makes up the County’s Climate Action Plan. 

Electronic Climate Action Plan and Reporting and Tracking Tool

The County Executive Office Sustainability Division in partnership with Resource Management Agency Planning Division created a web-based tool for reporting and monitoring of the 180 General Plan programs including Climate Action Plan programs.

The tool also has an electronic Climate Action Plan, a public dashboard to show qualitative and quantitative metrics of the CAP program’s success and record non-CAP metrics that track the County’s progress in reducing emissions and adapting to climate change. 


The County of Ventura’s Climate Action Plan is woven throughout the County’s 2040 General Plan and is available online at Sections of the 2040 General Plan with details related to the CAP can be found at:

FY2023-24 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)

The FY2023-24 report estimates that the County’s cost of implementing CAP-related programs will
be $5.83M in FY2023-24. In FY2023-24, $2.36M or 40.6% of the total costs are
expected to be funded from the General Fund. However, the implementation programs
include both existing ($2.02M) and new ($340.7K) General Fund allocations. The
balance of funding, $3.47M, is expected to come from a combination of other sources including revenue offsets and permitting activities, grants, impact fees, or other funding mechanisms. Federal, state, or regional grants over and above the figures in this report
are anticipated as additional revenue sources to partially fund CAP-related programs,
although the expected amounts are speculative.

Of the 81 CAP-related implementation programs, 53 (65%) have already been initiated or completed while 28 (35%) remain uninitiated. Amongst the programs that remain
uninitiated are those that are due to be initiated by 2025, those due to be implemented
after 2025, and those that are sequential in nature whose implementation is contingent
on another program’s progress.

FY2022-23 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)

The annual Budget and Staffing Plan for Climate Action Plan (CAP) Implementation was created in collaboration with all agencies that have CAP-related implementation programs assigned to them in the County of Ventura’s 2040 General Plan. The report focuses on the anticipated costs, labor, and resource needs for a specified fiscal year (FY). This report informs the County’s Board of Supervisors on anticipated needs for allocating resources to departments responsible for CAP-related program implementation and is created as part of the County’s annual budgeting process.

The FY2022-23 report estimates that the County’s cost of implementing CAP-related programs will be $5.25M in FY2022-23. In FY2022-23, $2.43M or 46.3% of the total costs are expected to be funded from the General Fund. However, the implementation programs include both existing ($1.67M) and new ($756.1K) funding allocations. The balance of funding, $2.82M, is expected to come from a combination of other sources including revenue offsets and permitting activities, grants, impact fees, or other funding mechanisms. Federal, state, or regional grants over and above the figures in this report are anticipated as additional revenue sources to partially fund CAP-related programs, although the expected amounts are speculative. Of the 81 CAP-related implementation programs, 42 (52%) have already been initiated or completed while 39 (48%) remain uninitiated. Amongst the programs that remain uninitiated are those that are due to be initiated by 2025, those due to be implemented after 2025, and those that are sequential in nature whose implementation is contingent on another program’s progress. 

FY2021-22 Budget and Staffing Plan for CAP Implementation (PDF)
Ventura County Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Blueprint (PDF)

The Ventura County Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Blueprint (2019) is intended to accelerate and support electric vehicle and charging infrastructure deployment throughout Ventura County. The completed by County staff responsible for administering programs associated with the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance (VCREA)

Ventura County Climate Emergency Council

The Ventura County Climate Emergency Council (VCCEC) is a citizen advisory body that advises the Ventura County Board of Supervisors on climate action planning and implementation of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) goals, policies, and programs.

Community Event
Staff at special event in Nyeland Acres for 2021 CA Clean Air Day

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