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County of Ventura

County of Ventura Announces New Environmental Grant Program

Ventura, CA – As part of its ongoing commitment to addressing climate change impacts and enhancing wildlife habitat, the County of Ventura is pleased to announce its new Environmental Grant Program. Schools, nonprofits, and community organizations can apply for funding to implement shovel-ready projects or activities that support wildlife habitat restoration, species conservation, environmental education and stewardship, and/or address climate change impacts.  Eligible grant awards will receive up to $15,000.

The Environmental Grant Program looks to engage more people by reaching out and funding organizations that may not typically qualify or have difficulty competing for traditional grant programs. “We want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to participate including children, people with diverse backgrounds and abilities and income levels because we all have a role to play in being good environmental stewards.” said Linda Parks, District 2 Board of Supervisor. To be considered for a Grant award, the organization must represent a school, nonprofit organization, or established community organization and institution and meet the eligibility requirements listed here.

Applications are due on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 5:00 PM (PT). Please note that if the Grant Program has remaining funds or program funding is increased, additional Environmental Grant Program rounds will be created utilizing the same criteria and new due dates. The initial Grant awards will be announced no later than Friday, January 13, 2023. Please contact Heather Allen at for additional information.

Visit the Grant Webpage

Read more about the Environmental Grant Program eligibility and start your application today.

Visite la página web de la subvención

Lea más sobre la elegibilidad del Programa de Subsidios Ambientales y comience su solicitud hoy.

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